It is A Tragedy...

It is a tragedy when a romantic heart and a mature mind are in the same body.

The heart doesn’t know the logic whereas the mind is always guided by reason. One yearns for a sense of freedom, to enjoy life fully while the other wants to be responsible and sensible in order to avoid unrealistic expectations and impulsivity. The heart tries to be in control and take over whenever it encounters the optimism life has to offer and it focuses on that rare feeling. Likewise, sensibility looks onto the reasonable sides and loves the mind to be in a state of thoughtfulness and control. 

As they divide into their own individual paths and battle to gain the lead, the body suffers. It is constantly torn between assisting the hearts desires and considering the mind’s logic. The body is persuaded by reason but is moved by emotion.

It’s a tragedy to have a heart that yearns for what you feel you want and a mind that focuses on what you think you need.

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