Sex is sweet , but have you ever wondered why God carefully positioned a membrane of blood in a woman's sexual organ.
It's a tiny membrane that partially or completely covers the ladies sexual door. It's called the HYMEN.
Why would God our maker put a breakable tissue full of Blood at the very door of a sexual opening of a female ?? Why is it so carefully placed like a ribbon tied at the entrance of the new house about to be launched?
Why is it filled with blood that spills away when broken? Why?
Without doubt, The HYMEN is a gate.
It was God our maker and our creator who set that blood-filled vessel as a covenant blockage, A SIGN and a TOKEN of a COVENANT between the BEARER and WHOEVER plunges into her opening.
It's a serious covenant struck and confirmed by the BLOOD SHED on that particular day.
This God's saying that whoever PLUNGES into this WOMAN shall only be able by MAKING a BLOOD COVENANT to be joined to her for the rest of her life, from that time onwards.
The reason why SEXUAL INTERCOURSE was ONLY MEANT for MARRIAGE COUPLES after a contract is sealed for the body is not for fornication but for glory of God in purity.
ANYONE using his or her body for fornication MUST Know that he or she is using his body directly against the perfect creation plan of God. There would definitely be a consiquence either now or in the future. There is a spiritual bonding and a supernatural process that takes place in a ladies heart when they see the first guy that broke that hymen, a blood covenant. There is no covenant without blood. A blood covenant that is highly recognized in the spiritual realm of both light and darkness.
Many have washed useless boys with that hymen covenant blood.
Many have shared there hymen blood with demon possessed men; if you join yourself with a harlot you become one with her in flesh and blood just like when you marry or get married you become one in FLESH and BLOOD with our husband or wife.
That's why currently there are chaos in the marriages ; divorces everywhere, children born at home are everywhere. Women end up blaming men and men blame women. The reason many women are not married it's because there spiritual composition is already shattered because they've mingled there souls with that of different men that have nothing to do with there destiny.
Dear singles know today that there is a definite proportion of virtue that leaves you every time a man enters you. Just imagine how many time of yourself is taken away every time a man sleeps with you without any proper signed contract or bond.
Sex is a spiritual affair ; giving yourself to another; all these things have strong and terrible spiritual implications.
Ask yourself why is it that from all the female creation of God it's only a woman that has sex for fun but all other female creation of God do it only for PROCREATION. Look at the female birds and animals they only do it for PROCREATION. She does that because she was not in the original creation plan of God. She's a byproduct of a man not the spoken Word of God. And all the creation of God is in perfect continuity with God's creation plan. That's where the devil went; for a woman has always been an instrument of the devil.
The Word says a woman is bound to her husband as long as the husband is alive,even if they divorce let her stay single or reconcile back to her husband for a woman is only at liberty to get married if her husband dies or is dead. It's because of the marriage covenant; the two shall become one flesh and blood.
So a broken hymen opens you up to a spirit of a man that broke it up ; the first covenant whom you sealed it with and other spirits.
The many women a man has entered, the same spirits he leaves them with you and the more spirit of prostitution you will be given.
There is also spiritual transfer of destiny.
So therefore the Word says ;a virtuous woman who can find?? She's far much more precious than Gold; and he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from God, for a good woman builds her home and a bad one destroys it with her own hands.
Remember God says I'll revisit your iniquities up to the Third and forth generation; the mammy was flapper,the daughter is now the chorus girl.... what do you expect anymore.
The instrument of Satan from the beginning is the woman.
Sexual immorality comes with other things AIDS, unplanned pregnancies, STIs and UTIs.
Sowing to the wind and reaping the worldwind.
Stay pure my dear precious brothers and sisters.
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